It’s that special day in every work of fiction’s life where the author has done all he or she can to make their story the best it can possibly be, and it needs to be handed off to a set of more impartial and critical eyes. I once again apologize for the time it is taking to publish the fourth book in the Mirror’s in the Dark series (title to be revealed later), but I assure you the book is still coming.
This work has been quite the undertaking. Originally, I estimated that the book would run approximately 160,000 words. At the time of this post the book is just under 175,000 words! It will take a little time for my editor to go through the project and still more time for me to evaluate her suggestions. The book cover also needs to be created. Nevertheless, this is a milestone I have long looked forward too.
In the meantime, things will get a little busier around here as I now have some time to post before I begin book five.
Thank you all, and thank you for your patience,
KT Belt